The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Good remark from my astute mechanic friend!


But remember the association by Weber of the capitalism progress LINKED to the protestantism mentality in his wotld famous book : "the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"...

Why this is so titled?

Because in the protentism also, the only thing that was changing in the conception of man was not the way he was perceived to be by catholic church: body/soul only...But the thing that changede is that individual man is "free" to enrich itself because it is God will IF HE SUCCEED...Why do you think come some much books in america about "how do i succeed in my career and with money ?

In the protestantism the tyranny of the Pope was replaced by the tyranny of the BOOK...Like in Islam...

Calvin even thought that man was never free really but predestined... Like an automaton created by God...

Then in BOTH Catholicism or protestantism, man lost his TRUE freedom when he loose the truth of what he is : body/soul/ spirit...But with Luther Man is free to do business without the church consent...

BUT and here my friend observation was crucial, like in the byzantine orthodox church in some protestant mystical movements the claim of a direct contact with God outside of the power of the book was possible.. but they were persecuted all over... Some come to America...But the general protestantism was also under the spell of the tyranny of BOOK truth over freedom...Protestantism is not a homogenous movement...But save for the mystical aspect of some protestant movement, general protestantism never differ of the catholic about man duality: body and soul, no spirit... Save for the mystical fringe for sure in all religions...

This is the reason why i did not mention protestantism, because general protestantism movement in general did not contradict the tyranny of authorities over man freedom...Protestantism only contested the Pope not the religious dogma about the bi- partite reductive constitution of man...Only mystics of all religions did so...

Mystics in all traditions by the way NEVER accpted the reduction of man to be only body and soul, be protestant or catholic or sufi... Why the sufi were so persecuted under coranic tyranny of the book, especially the sufis mystics ? because all mystics know by experience that man is body/soul/ and spirit and that any man can enter in direct contact with God...... They are persecuted by official religions or suspected of heresy all the times because of that freedom they illustrate and proclaim ...

This is the reason why i love so much mystic of all religions and so much less any religions...

There is no idiotic mystic generally and no idiotic mathematicians generally.... these was my favorite matters of interest because of this fact....Philosophers are less enlightened especially if they are nor mystic nor mathematician... 😁

my deepest respect to my friend here....

And also @cindyment , maybe you can explain this??

Just a little picture of a storm on the surface of Saturn.. Pay particular attention to the hexagonal shape.


Cindy...before you say Fluid Dynamics, know this..

1) This structure extends 100’s of miles up into the Atmosphere on the Gas Giant.

2) The Concentric Hexagonal structures around the main central structure have been measured as having different Rotational speeds, and temperatures.

3) The Hexagonal North pole, and the corresponding South pole, have significantly Higher temperatures than the surrounding areas.


Please have at it. 


I can show you simple lab experiments done on Earth that account for all of this, no esoteric mathematics required. 


ADD: I couldn’t read the hexagonal impact paper, might be a paywall issue... anyhow this shape is very commonly associated with all sorts of electrical discharges.