The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


All that remind me of the book of genesis, your Tesla read too much fables and myths .. - Anonymus skeptic....

Are you saying that he was only a tinkerer?

Post removed 

For those who will misread me, i never wanted to prove that Tesla was right...

I am not a scientist and Tesla is a human being and he could be wrong...

My point was to prove that he cannot be a tinkerer, like some educated ignorant trolling here claimed it was, without any basis save copy/paste date about some patents... thats all...

I will go back in my hole now...

I reacted to an educated ignorant, but sorry i dont react to parrot....


But my post is a reaction...

I conclude that i am an idiot writing this post but i am not there alone it seems...


«If hate is way more powerful than intelligence, love also is»-Anonymus Smith