I would keep the speakers and simplify everything else. One voicing
Personally, I’d buy a used integrated - ideally something with DAC on plug-in card
With those speakers, you can be flexible on power specs
+ Used PrimaLuna (Prologue 1?)
+ Budget is almost at the very best Marantz integrated (used)
+ Used NAD, and one simplifies things even further (you aren’t far from an M33, certainly an M10) - they all act as streamers. DIRAC might contribute to listening experience in a room that size
+ With your speakers, I think the suggestion of the Luxman SQ-N150 is a lot of fun, albeit you’ll need an external DAC
+ I like the Hegel 95 suggestion above
That gives you a range of tube & ss to consider, and all of those components will last for a long time (and can be resold)
All the above subject to listening preference, but s/b easy to audition because brands are widespread
Save a little more & think about some inexpensive room treatments, if anything obvious jumps out to you
Let us know what you decide to do!
Have a great day