The closest approach...really

I recently purchased a pair of Gradient SW-63 woofers for my Quad ESL 57, and I this is so far the closest approach to the real thing that I've ever experienced. The midrange is probably the best possible, with Quads' holographic properties most audiophiles are familiar with. The micro-detail is also superb. The Gradient woofers add a very competent, tight, and fast bass. I believe this combination is hard to beat at any price. Does anyone think this combination can be beat?
Mrtennis, "i have at least 30 would be assistants in the ny area, members of audio clubs, who would assist me, if necessary."

It's amazing what you can get the hookers to do these days. Well, I guess so long as they're getting paid...

OK, enough levity. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't such a wiseacre. It limits me in that I miss out on being invited to events like this - one of the truly historic moments in audio. I only pray it might be taped, and put up on youtube to be available to the great unwashed such as myself.

For a while, I used to question the direction audio could move in wake of the loss of such lions of the industry as Bud Fried, David Hafler, Jason Bloom, etc. But, after this thread, no more!
you guys are terrible...and fun!

seriously, i think short-term listening sessions are quasi pointless. i am pretty sure that a serious brain scientist will be able to offer a scientific explanation for this, but i find myself liking more things than i should after short listening sessions. i begin to have a feel for the real essence of any component only after weeks of serious listening. i believe that these short listening sessions are biased by many things that have little to do with audio (e.g. you read a review that says amplifier x has great imaging, you listen to it, and your brain starts to image like crazy). it would be interesting to see if there are ways to unbias yourself when you do quick tests of this sort.

If your original question was:

Can the Quad/Gradient combo be beaten?

I'd say, depends what's importaant to you.

Visit one of those crushingly loud MBL demos the company hosts. You may well walk out saying that there's no way in hell you'd trade your combo straight up for a 101 - and I'd probably agree with you. OTOH, you will know what the MBL does better - not that you'd necerssarily care.

Trelja and Tvad, Thanks for the heads-up on Marilyn. "Yowie" is right, and might I suggest...Zounds!
While apparently Mrtennis does not need any defenders, a couple of thoughts come to mind which apply to all of us in these audio forums.

#1, our hearing biological hearing systems may be similar, but not the same. Consider age, gender, health, etc., let alone ear shape, brain receptors, etc. and we have an infinate variety of aural perception.

#2, our experiences, training, and interests are not the same. With such different backgrounds, we bring an extensive variety of foundation information (and therefore preferences) to the listening experience.

So Mrtennis may be sensitive to sonic details that some others, if not most, may not be so sensitive to. This does not make one person right and another wrong. Ever wonder how some folks prefer only planar speakers while others demand sealed dynamic drivers? Or vented/ported systems? Or horns? If one design approach offered the TRUE reproduction of live music, wouldn't we all be listening to it in our homes?

Therefore Ggavetti, some may agree with you that you found the closest approach, but most others (based on percentage of design type sold) may have other answers.