The conclusion I've reached about speakers

After years of listening to box speakers the conclusion I have come to is that:

All speakers sound the same

A big speaker does more bass and goes lower. A bookshelf gives no bass and cant go as loud. 

Any other differences are either imaginary or DELIBERATELY contrived to make them sound better to the unsuspecting buyer.

The ONLY other differences aside from sound quality are the price and appearance. Prices can vary substantially and so can the way a speaker looks.

In other words, everything we thought about speakers is all wrong. 
The beauty of free speech in a democracy is that everyone can have a voice...the real question is who is listening. Is anyone listening to kenjit?
"I ordered them to put them back in phase and they immediately complied."

And then, and then, and then???...

And then???...


There is an old saying that comes to mind here:

“Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

This is a subjective hobby, if you like a certain speaker or cable then more power to you. The only person you have to satisfy is yourself. 

Kenjit...a few questions for you:
1. Do you actually have a hifi rig?
2. Do you have speakers that sound good to you.
3. Do you own any LP's or CD's?

If the answer to the above is yes...then shut up, sit down and enjoy the music.