The Conrad Johnson Premier 350: Revisited

After a 5-year quest for the right amplifier for my system, I have finally found the real deal. Even though the Conrad Johnson Premier 350SA is a vintage amplifier, it has achieved something a number of newer designs could not; the musicality and transparency that I've always wanted is now present in my living room to a degree that I was beginning to think was impossible. I have never written an equipment review but I feel the need to share with others just how great this amplifier is.

I should say from the outset that my listening space is *not* designed for audiophiles. It's a "real" living room and has not been treated in any special way. It does not have vaulted ceilings and there are one or two reflective surfaces that are less than ideal. Nonetheless, the room is big enough and proportional enough for proper speaker placement and the production of an entertaining soundstage.

My setup consists of Thiel CS3.7 speakers, a Conrad Johnson CT5 preamplifier, PS Audio Perfect Wave MKII DAC, Perfect Wave transport, Shunyata Zitron Anaconda power cords, Shunyata Triton power conditioner and Shunyata Zitron Python speaker cables and interconnects.

I have tried a variety of amplifiers with this arrangement and, while the results have been competent, I always felt that something was lacking. During this quest, I owned the Classe' Delta 2200 as well as their $8500 CA-2300. I have also hooked up a Musical Fidelity KW500, a Musical Concepts H500, a T + A Integrated (can't remember the exact model number) Bel Canto Ref 1000 MKII mono blocs, a 600 watt NCore kit amplifier and the latest Sanders Magtech stereo amplifier to my Thiels. These are all very fine amplifiers but none of them were able to control and energize the mighty 3.7's the way the Premier 350 has.

I was very skeptical that an amplifier that first went into production nearly 10 years ago could so completely blow the doors off of these other "modern" amplifiers. First and foremost, it presents instruments in a way I've never heard with other amplifiers. For example, if you've ever played a Martin D-35 guitar, you know that it has an altogether different tone when compared to a Gibson Hummingird. The Premier 350 brings out such differences in a way that no other amplifier I've ever heard is able to do.

The Premier 350 also manages to present the timing of performances in such an immediate way that I find myself tapping my feet and singing along before I realize what's happening. The amplifier draws me into the music on a subconscious level and the result is that hours go by without any fatigue at all. Just as I can get mesmerized by a great movie and stay up too late at night, turning the system off in the evening can be downright difficult since I hooked up this amplifier.

I realize that this amplifier is not new, but I felt compelled to share how stunning it still is. For me, this hobby has always been about fun and a way to have adventures without even leaving the house. The Conrad Johnson Premier 350SA is a rock 'n roll time machine. This is what I call an amplifier of a lifetime

Showing 15 responses by jafant

Yes, Black was an option. If purchased, what other gear including cabling will round out your system?  Happy Listening!
I have heard this power amp w/ Audience cabling only.  What gear is in your system?  Happy Listening!
Thanks! for sharing Joe-

you have a nice system my friend. CJ gear is very versatile and will accommodate many, many cable/cords. it is good to learn that Prana Wire is a sonic match. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Vhiner -

Much Thanks! for sharing. I concur. The 350 is special indeed. This is my reference amp, especially, when matched w/ the CJ ACT2 Series2 preamp. And to read about it matching well w/ Thiel speakers (another fave of mine) is the icing on the cake!

My dream demo session would be the CJ ART3 + 350sa power amp w/ Thiel speakers!
In the current econ state of the world, it would be tough to sell a $25K power amp. CJ has always treated the top tier gear in limited production runs , strictly for this purpose. And to not have that level of performance sitting in their factory on a shelf collecting dust.

great point about Classe'. Trust me, nothing good comes from China.

Bill K, I have acutally been to the CJ operation. Hard to imagine those guys needing another location? Perhaps they do not own the current building???
Many Thanks! for re-visting this wonderful thread. The 350 power amp is too damn good to dismiss. When I was demo'ing this amp back in the 2000's, the cables/cords were Audience 24 au, then 24AU e models. Very nice sound from top to bottom.

To current owners, which cables/cords are you guys using?
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I just scored a sweet pair of THIEL CS 2.4SE loudspeakers!
Now, the most difficult decision- tubes or solid-state gear?

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!