The future of preamps

I still use one, but I wonder if their days are numbered. To those who have removed the preamp from their system, have there been any regrets? Anyone gone back to using a preamp after having removed it?
I know you've tried various configurations of direct source-amplifier and also passive components. It appears your ears lead you back to quality active line stages. You must have recognized that something vital was missing musically/emotionally without their presence.
I just shelfed a Mid range Pioneer Reciever and designed built my own Pre Amp, I could not be more tickled with the dynamics and detail I gained.
@ Atmasphere, Hi, Who told you that 4 volts was to much for an amplifier?,, LOL!, Nearly all pre-amps output to an amp is way more than 4-volts, an example of what I am saying is, My krell 700cx amplifier min sensativity is 3.5 volts input, in other words, if you do not have atleast the 3.5 volts, the amp is not being driven correctly, the krell 700 cx amp input max is 18 volts!, then you have every krell pre-amp ever made that puts out 8 to 12 volts to to the amps, I have personally talked to krell about this issue, they ex-plained the input specs of my amp, because I was under the impression that the 3.5 volts was max, turns out to be the minimum!, most digital cd-players and dacs do not have enough volts out-put to drive amps to their potential, and then you have bit stripping of the sound quality if you have a pure digital volume control at low volumes, on the bright side, a digital componet running direct to amp with a analog volume control, or a transformer based volume control yeilds way more transparency than most pre-amps could ever do in alot of systems, your signal does not have to go thru another chip board, there is some pre-amps out there that can give you all that you want for sound, very few can surpass running direct to amp, the pre-amps that can are very exspensive!, cheers.
Audiolab, what Atmasphere said about voltage levels is essentially correct (given my subsequent clarification), although his comment is most probably not applicable to the proprietary CAST interface that is provided on your amplifier.

For conventional (non-CAST) preamp outputs, the max output spec that for most high-end preamps is much greater than 4 volts represents the maximum output voltage they are CAPABLE of providing. That number SHOULD be much greater than the maximum output voltage they will ever be called upon to provide under reasonable input voltage conditions, in order to provide margin and assure good distortion performance.

For the non-CAST balanced input of your amp, the 3.58 volt sensitivity spec represents the approximate amount of input voltage that would cause the amp to put out its maximum rated output power (700/1400/2800 watts in this case(!), into 8/4/2 ohms respectively), assuming that spec is defined in the same manner that nearly all other amp manufacturers define it.

Most amps will be driven to their maximum rated power by inputs in the range of about 0.5 to 2.5 volts for unbalanced inputs, or around twice those numbers for balanced inputs. If you research the specs for amps from various manufacturers you will see that.

I have no knowledge of the voltage levels that the current-mode CAST interface operates at; perhaps the 18 volt figure you mentioned relates to that.

-- Al