The Good Stuff

There are simply two kinds of music, good music and the other kind ... the only yardstick by which the result should be judged is simply that of how it sounds. If it sounds good it's successful; if it doesn't it has failed. --  Duke Ellington

This purpose of this thread is to provide a place to post outstanding examples of the Good Music. 
Genre Immaterial.

On the Old Kentucky Shore // Joan Osborne & Ricky Skaggs

My CD has a different cover art, but it is the same album.



I agree the Germans are beginning to pull their heads out of their rear ends.  About time.  This does seem like 1938 all over again.  People NEVER learn anything from history. 

When the Soviet Union broke up, they left a lot of nukes in Ukraine.  That made Ukraine the world's third largest nuclear power at that time.  I think they gave them all to the U.S. for disposal.  I know they wish they had them now. 

I fear a lot the military aid being sent might arrive just in time for the Russians to get it.  ☹




Post removed 

Jimmy Smith


Blue Note    1958 / 1990

Notes: "Jimmy Smith's story is an unusual one because he single-handedly introduced an instrument into the modern Jazz mainstream and created a sound and a style to go with it.  What is most unusual is that he did not even approach the instrument until he was 28 years old, and he did not play a gig under his own leadership or record an album of his own until he was 29."


Cool Blues :

Groovin' at Small's :

A Night In Tunisia :

Small's Minor :





Stanley Turrentine


CTI     1970-1971 / 2002

Notes: "While never an innovator, Turrentine (1934-200) was surely one of Blue Note's key players in the field of "soul Jazz", the strongly Blues-based, Gospel-influenced branch of hard bop, which itself was a simplified take on the vertiginously complex bebop form..... CTI, like Blue Note, had a "look" as well....CTI's covers featured color compositions of gallery quality by some of America's leading photographers."


Sugar :

Sunshine Alley :

Impressions :




Various Artists


Columbia / Sony       1957 / 2000

Notes: "The best thing that ever happened to television happened on CBS between five and six in the afternoon on Sunday, December 8.  At least that was where and when it happened first; the program may have been run at a different hour and date in your part of the country, and -- if there is any justice -- it will be repeated, the more often the better.  It was an installment in *The Seven Lively Arts* series called *The Sound of Jazz,* and as far as I'm concerned, you can throw away all previous standards of comparison.  This is where television began to amount to something."


Fine and Mellow :

I Left my Baby :

Wild Man Blues :

Dickie's Dream :

Blues :

