The hunt is over

I feel that way. Who else reached the endgame? Feels terrific. 



1- I do have tubes in my headphone amp

2- I used to run a tubed system- I had a Conrad Johnson pre amp (17LS2) and amp(M60SE), and a Rogue integrated (Tempest Magnum II) and once I turned to Pass, I found that I no longer had any yearning to drive my speakers via tubes

For me with the Pass gear, no tubes and I'm off the circuit are not incompatible! 




Congratulations Zavato and excellent looking system! And glad to see you got an Aries I think you had a thread on looking for a streamer recently.

@jond Correct! I bought two streamers; the Aries G1 is in my listening room and a Bluesound Node is in my bedroom. I bought the Node first, thorough immersed myself in the streaming world in terms of what was important to me, and then grabbed the G1.