The imperfect amp: Pass or Ayre?

There are two high end SS amp brands which, from a technical perspective, don’t do very well, which I am thinking of:

Ayre and Pass.

Pass has stated that even ordered distortion is euphonic. Ayre’s zero feedback, diamond circuit has a great deal of distortion compared to the very best measuring amps.

I have to admit, that like an IPA vs. a Belgian White, I have a very strong preference, but my preference is not canon. It is just how my wallet moves me. You should in no way feel like my tastes matter. Buy what makes you giddy with joy.

Would you, kind lady or gentleman, tell us if you have heard both, what did you think?? Is this to narrow? Would you throw another brand into the ring??
So, Audiogon removed the posts where I called those calling me a troll trolls. I’m not sure what the standard is.

I stand by the removed posts. This was a perfectly good thread until posters started criticizing me.

I challenge anyone to see where I’ve encouraged others to post anti-pass posts here or anywhere else. In fact my standard has been consistent: Please make specific comments others can relate to, regardless of whether you ended up with a pass or not.

If you get all bent out of shape because I like to talk about relative differences in amps with specifics, the problem is with you, not me.

If you believe the Pass brand and sales are so delicate a few discussions that aren't 1000% pro Pass will affect them, you clearly don't believe very much in the strength of the brand. Same for Ayre. If anything, there's' been 1 recent post where a specific comparison was made and the user preferred Pass to Ayre.
I'm certain that many people use Ayre or Pass amps with Wilsons and suffer greatly and often from what is clearly the act of being fooled into having fun. What sheep...don't they know that these amps aren't "all that?" I can only assume these listeners sit there for hours in front of their Wilsons thinking "man, I wish these Pass amps were BETTER somehow," and the expense involved in what is obviously an experience of near mediocrity is simply criminal. I'm with Square Eric on this one...Nelson Pass in particular should be ashamed of his contribution to this art form with thousands of music lovers trapped in his web of delusional sonic bliss. "Oh the humanity!"