I had multiple transactions here and at US Audio Mart in 2019 and yesterday received a letter from the IRS stating the transactions were "Taxable Income" anyone else ever experience that with Paypal and now what?
Fighting the IRS is not something I look forward to!
I switched to stripe , PayPal is so bad in many levels .
I was selling a $5k preamp the buyer payed for UPS 
to pack and ship 2 day to WI. After it shipped he changed his mind, refused ups attempts 3x , PayPal said he was wrong 
but still gave back all his money and stuck me with the$400 
inpacking, shipping , that was enough for me ,
Post removed 

Wise words. I'm with you 100%.


I was so smart!!

I got disappeared!

I didn't even call anyone a booger eatin' spaz. :-)
I had gear stolen from me that I paid about 7500.00 usd for.  I had replacement  insurance IF I replaced the gear. I replaced the gear and it cost about 35,000 usd. So if I sell it for less than the replacement cost, not the original cost, it's considered a loss, but not deductible?

I have receipts for the original purchases and the replacement gear.

Does anyone see a problem here? I sure do..

The IRS would never know which was which. One way would show a gain one way would show a loss. Which way would be correct according to the IRS.

My point is there shouldn't even be taxes on used personal property, not part of a business. There is profit and loss on everything and a reason to collect taxes. My issue is the system in place that is so complicated and it can be manipulated if your willing to lie cheat and steal your way through the corrupt thing..

The only thing worse than our broken tax system is the Social Security skim, scam and the illegal collection of SS moneys and ZERO accountability for where the money comes from OR where it goes to.

Serious corruption in BOTH agencies. It's the TWO largest slush funds in the world.. With 6 slush funds between them.. Though I think Texas is not quite as corrupt (I say that tongue in cheek)

Three out of 10 of the largest tax collection sources and SS in the WORLD.

USA # 1
California  #5
Texas #9
About 2 years ago I heard that the IRS (illegal entity, see link below) . About 6 months ago I decided to see for myself and went to the local office. The doors are locked. A guard told me it's by appointment only. A couple days ago I drove a friend out there. Same issue. When he asked the guard the reply was, you don't want to know.

If you really want to get MAD:The Internal Revenue Service, a Private Corporation