Wim1983, sorry you don't like the looks of the speaker. The looks are derived from a "form follows function" design perspective.
I thought you were looking for performance? Your decision seems to be swayed now by looks???
If I were looking for the performance parameters that you stated in your original post, the Rio or the Eos/Eos HD would be the speaker I would be buying. I've heard most of the Green Mountain Audio speakers in his factory or at RMAF - they sound amazing always even under show conditions.
http://www.stereophile.com/content/marigo-whirls-green-mountainIf you are change your mind & are inclined towards this brand, email the manuf - he might be able to help you price-wise.
Personally, I'd be spending my time trying to find a time-coherent speaker & would not be wasting my time on anything else but that's me. Your goals, I thought, were the same but it appears maybe not...
One more suggestion - Odyssey Audio Epiphony II stand-mount.
Klaus always has a very good sounding room at the RMAF but each time he uses his floor-standing speakers. I'm assuming his stand-mount Epiphony has very similar performance (& it's not a phony! ;-) )
I've heard his floor-standers but not the Epiphony.
http://www.odysseyaudio.com/products-epiphonyII.htmlThere are plenty of other non time-coherent brands out there - you can buy & sell, buy & sell until you find what you are looking for. Good luck! Let us know how you fare....