One thing to consider is that these speakers are not made for the masses. They are absolutely made for the 1%. Just with any manufacturer in any category, they invest R&D to make their statement products. This is true in any precision performance category - auto, watches, etc. They are not intended to sell many, which is also why it is priced so high, because there was considerable time spent to develop the product.
The decision to make these types of moves is not to increase the overall median for a price of speakers, but to distinguish the brand from others in terms of innovation and impression. Other brands recognize this, and they follow suit. But most are also smart enough to know that most of their products need to be in a price range that is accessible to a larger population.
Because of this, many of these products are also not designed for the average space, and it will make most people wonder why anyone would ever settle for them. But there are the people who have the money and right gear, people who have the right space, and people who have all of the above to accommodate these ultra-expensive speakers.
Are they worth it? To echo @ghdprentice, that decision is up to the individual.