The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


@-wolff- For me, it took about 10 days for the Purple fuse to show it’s true and full potential. I was running the component for almost 10 hours every day. If you’re still not happy, try changing the direction. 

I'm still running two SR Purple fuses in my Supernait 3 and Teddy Pardo TeddyCap SE power supply. I just ordered a Schiit Ydggdrasil + DAC but it's fuse is not accessible. Early on I was thinking of removing the Teddy Pardo TeddyCap SE from the system as I felt it was bright. My good friend Yair at Pardo recommended the SR Purple fuses and it paid off! IMHO, everyone using the Purple fuses or any SR fuse knows their worth.

@-wolff- I have exactly the same feeling as you. I don't think the direction is wrong in my case.Just want to ask how the situation is now. Is the Purple better than before?