The one tweak most Focals need ...

From a lot of work done analyzing Focals, if you have one, especially an older one, and want to improve the sound and maybe learn something, try upgrading the tweeter caps.

Usually this is 1 or 2 film caps in series with the tweet. I can recommend Mundorf MKP as well as Clarity CSA as being good improvements.

Of course, you probably wouldn't want to mess with your Utopias, but for the mid to low end, highly recommended.
I tweaked my Focal Sopra 2's the right way: I got rid of them; biggest audio disappointment thus far;  

Thanks, I did notice that there is a panel around the speaker lugs. I doubt if I will ever remove the panel though. But I am curious about the crossover components.


I am really surprised to hear your comments about the Focal 2's. I am using a Ayre preamp and Bob Carver 350 mono blocks and couldn't be happier.
I guess that's why there are so many choices...

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