The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀
I’ll confess to playing Cohen’s You Want It Darker LP during the Xmas afternoon celebration. It suited my holiday mood and, reflecting upon the profundity of his poetry, may not have been as incongruous to the occasion as one might think. Unfortunately my family strongly disagreed with his sepulchral baritone and the LP was summarily dismounted at risk of indigestion. I’ll try again this New Year’s Eve.

I know how you feel my friend.....
My wife calls it "music to slit your wrists to...." 😱
If however, you're not in the mood to 'end it all'.......his penultimate album 'Popular Problems' is a great antidote which sees Lenny in an upbeat (for him) mood with a solid 'bluesy' undercurrent.
Great sound and recording as always.....😀

@halcro "how is the bass". I've not found it to change much over time but it has consistently been very well integrated and as deep as the content on the recording. The PC1 has a lower mid bass bump that gives the impression of more bass but in reality imposes a tone that blurs the differences between instruments. Case in point on early Genesis the PC1 blurs the sound of the bass guitar and the bass pedal. With the Palladian when a bass pedal enters it is completely distinct, not only in frequency but also the tone and shape.  So in summary many will think the Palladian is a tad bass shy but the reality is it gives you what is one the recording. With very loud forward bass such as a Holly Cole "Jersey Girl" it is well defined and detailed while not impinging on the rest of the mix. This track can sound overloaded if you have bass resonances somewhere in your system

one other observation is that the Palladian doesn't sugar coat anything. If the instrument sounds rough or edgy (like much of the Tarantelle record I referenced earlier) then that is what you'll get. Finally the ability to swing sudden dynamics is top rate, take the sudden "cuckooo" in the first Tarantelle band, it'll have you jumping out of your seat

The bass pedal on "Firth of fifth" very few speakers can express the feeling.
Folkfreak - From your list I fancy the ladies.

Mary Chapin Carpenter is one real hottie, and one of my audio girlfriends, I mean, just so you understand ......
We also happen to share the same birthday. Mary and I.
fwiw & imo - This brings a bigger bond in music ......more so than any mono tone scratchy lyrics are going to bring you.... 8^0
Don't take my word for it. Ask one of my fraternal twins.
Holly Cole - now there is a Canadian voice I can get behind.


Geoch (Giorgos) - very appropriate lyrics. Thanks for that. It took about 9 months for me to realize the chains were no longer there. btw. do you remember years ago - our ended as.... yeah go ahead, and fill the four pillars of the TNT with BlueTack ....and see what happens. Talk about resonating voices from the Dark Side. These voices had horns.    


DG ( Dave) - I would like to comment on your elegant post, but can't for fear of being egg'ed.

It's going to take more coffee this morning.