The room as a component

We all know that the room we use for audio is important and not just dimensions but room treatment and construction as well. There is so much involved that it would be nice to have a separate forum category for the listening room. It is my ultimate goal to one day build my own room. One source I have found for information is the youtube videos from Dennis Foley of Acoustic Fields. He really has some interesting information. Has anyone here had any experience with Dennis or his room treatment products? They are not inexpensive so I would assume very few have but I would like those who have experience or those who have watched his videos to chime in with their thoughts.  

Showing 1 response by snapsc


Well, when I clicked on the Acoustic Fields website and the picture of their $1M sound studio job came up....I figured I didn't really need any more clicks to realize that they were out of my price range.

Maybe to many this wouldn't matter...but Return On Investment when you sell the house...probably in that respect, I'd rather spend my money on gear that brings the best out of the room I have than spending it  on a room that brings the best out of the gear I have.