The term "High End" needs to die. Long live Hi-Fidelity!

I think if we are going to keep this hobby accessible, and meaning anything we need to get rid of the expression "high end." In particular, lets get rid of the idea that money equals performance.

Lets get rid of the idea that there's an entry point to loving good sound.
It is completely meaningless what you decide to call this hobby. Calling it something else will make no difference and shouldnt. Totally subjective.
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I always figured "high end" meant or implied equipment that you couldn't afford. I finally have equipment I clearly can't afford, so this is no time to get rid of the term, while I'm enjoying having "high end" stuff at long last. Let a guy have a little fun first.

AAH...the poets are busy tonight. High Fidelity, High End, Audiophile, and all others are just adjectives to describe what each person wants to identify the subject of sound reproduction. Each of those terms have a different meaning to a lot of people....
If I had almost unlimited funds to spend on a system I would probably do it. If I could buy a new Lamborghini I would do it even the speed limit is only 55mph.
Everybody has their own objective for buying audio equipment. Hopefully, for seeking the setup that sounds best to our ears. But, trying to define terms that describe what audio is, for the most part, is useless.
There can never be any end to this discussion. SUBJECTIVE!

Hi End Enthusiast: Someone who buys faithfully created music to brag about their audio ststem.

Hi Fidelity Enthusiast: Someone who assembles a system to faithfully reproduce the music they love.