The Unbelievable Sheila Chandra...

Category: Music

I just picked the CD "Moonsung" up on the RealWorld Album from Sheila Chandra....I bought it on a whim, looking for something new. I slipped it in the CD player and was stunned and amazed. This woman is unbelievable! The entire disk is little more than her sole voice and a drone. Some of the starkest, naked music I've ever heard. And some of the most beautiful. The way she carries the rhythm inside her voice is incredible and the nimbleness and dexterity of her articulation on Track number 5. In fact, YOU MUST GO OUT AND BUY THIS CD AT ONCE! Then put on Track number 5 and dim the lights. You'll pee in your pants! Someone tell me more about this woman and her other albums. Is she married? If not, I must contact her at once!
issabre's been awhile-- looks like this is one I'll have to look up. Craig
Ralph at Atmasphere has been a fan of her for years, even playing her music from LP as demo at CES.
I do not have Moonsung, I will make a point of looking for it. Thanks for making me think of her again.
if you want to hear her and other incredible musicians that typically don't receive commercial air play go to CKUA Radio Network in Canada on the internet are non profit and are on air currently 0600MST until 0100MST.
try her "ZEN KISS" cd 1994. off topic but indian, kinda, try ry cooder/v.m. bhatt A MEETING BY THE RIVER and in particular Ganges Delta Blues @ 9:57 of excellence, on Water Lily Acoustics WLA-CS-29-CD...guitar, mohan vina (indian slide guitar), table & dumbek