Theta Dreadnaught---I have arrived at HiFi Heaven

WOW, Home Theater and two-channel bliss, who would have ever believed it could be possible? What was I waiting for? 200w X 5 and I have re-discovered my CD collection.

I will take a closer look at the rest of the Theta Line.


Showing 1 response by dmichael

I got the following quote from Theta's website;

"To design their first power amplifier, Theta enlisted the services of Charles Hansen of Ayre Acoustics, whose designs were refined and turned from a concept into a construction design by Theta engineer David Reich (previously of Classé)."

Here is a link to the review;

The Dreadnaught design (according to the review)is a Zero-feedback balanced amp which is one of the big reason why Ayre amps sound so great IMHO. I have also read something on Audio Asylum that gives Charles credit for the design of the Dreadnaught.