Thiel 7.2's with Electrocompaniet AW-220's?

Anyone try the 7.2's with these monoblocks? I'm wondering how the combo sounds. Enough power?
I owned an EC integrated and loved it! No issues what so ever! I bet the combination would sound great. They are definitely some of the better sounding solid state amps avaibable in my opinion.

I've got the EC integrated also and also like is very "sweet sounding" as Justin mentions above...but I also feel that it is not nearly as powerful as the specs would have one believe. I also had a Bryston B-60 that sounded different (some music better...some music worse) but much more powerful...the EC runs out of steam long before the bryston. I never had reliability problems with either, but recently read that "help electrocompaniet stole christmas" thread and even before that...there was always that little voice in the back of my head that said..."if and when this thing's suuuure gonna be a pain in the ass for you" EC is back in business...but IMO that doesn't change the fear of possible poor service issues...the thread that I referred to above was where an EMC1 owner(their cd player) wanted a factory upgrade...but was told that he couldn't get it as the piece was not purchased from an authorized dealer...he even was willing to pay for the thread and come to your own conclusions.

on that note...would I recommend EC?

for a nice cheap (sub $1000 used) integrated amp...sure...but for an expensive pair of monoblocks...especially the Nemo's...I myself would be wary and probably look at other offerings first.

just my opinion for the less than 2c that it's worth.