Thiel CS1.6 Has anyone ever substituted a new woofer for the original?

I bought a pair of Thiel 1.6's knowing the woofers weren't working.  The coils are open.  The rebuild would cost $500 for the pair.  I'm not sure they're worth investing that much.  Anyone ever substitute another woofer successfully?
The Thiel 1.6 is one of the finest speakers I've ever heard/owned. Its only shortcoming is bass response. When used in a small room, it won't leave you wanting. Pair it with a  KEF's KC62 subwoofer (again, in a smaller room) and you've got something special.

Another +vote for repairing the CS 1.6 loudspeaker. 
Feel free to join us over on the Thiel Owners thread.
I believe that we have(2) CS 1.6 owners on the Panel.

Happy Listening!
Is that $500 what Rob Gillum would charge? That does seem steep. But it seems a tall order to take an off-the-shelf woofer and replace Thiel’s in-house driver. Namely, that opens a can of worms around the crossover. I think you have to bite the bullet or cut your losses.