Thiel CS1.7 loudspeaker

Good Day All,

anyone else here stoked about the re-designed Thiel CS1.7 loudspeaker? Shipping begins next month.
Happy Listening!
The 1.7's sound amazing, really, really nice. BUT, the price is quite high... and the problem Thiel will have is that they've been making great speakers for years. At that list price (and the market price will more than likely be very close as well... you rarely get much of a discount on Thiel's), and if you don't mind used, you can get some amazing Thiel speakers... 2.4's would definitely be within that price range. I guess you could get both 3.6's and maybe some CS5 and CS6 as well, but now you would been a different space for them...

And that's only within the Thiel range... the higher price of the 1.7's will add quite a different group of competitive products into the mix...
Audiojan - so you have the official list price? Is it the $5,495 posted above?
The list price is not officially released, so everything at this point is somewhat of a guess. All media coverage so far has a price just shy of $5500, so I think we can assume that the price will around that.

My post was based upon that assumption.
I'm waiting for my local shop with the remaining NOS 1.6s to have the "Thiel Blow Out Sale,"