Thiel CS1.7 loudspeaker

Good Day All,

anyone else here stoked about the re-designed Thiel CS1.7 loudspeaker? Shipping begins next month.
Happy Listening!
The list price is not officially released, so everything at this point is somewhat of a guess. All media coverage so far has a price just shy of $5500, so I think we can assume that the price will around that.

My post was based upon that assumption.
I'm waiting for my local shop with the remaining NOS 1.6s to have the "Thiel Blow Out Sale,"
Not a bad idea, Wolf. I have thought about picking up a pair of the 1.6's myself. Have you ever auditioned the 2.4?
Never heard the 2.4...I'm very happy with the sound of my current Silverline Preludes, but I'd like something more interesting to look at for my next speakers...the zebra ebony 1.6s just look great, and I do like smaller speakers...I use a REL sub.