Thiel CS6

How would you rate these speakers now?
Please let me know.

Bottom note on a piano- 27Hz. Freq response of CS6 (-3dB) 27Hz. You're not missing anything music wise; but if HT is your thing then a sub is needed.
As for center channel, there's really nothing better than a Thiel MCS1 to pair with you CS6's
Yes really. Don't confuse the range of human hearing with the range of music. Yes, I know a few pipe organs around the world can go down to 8 Hz. Again, if you want to "feel" sounds, eg. HT, get a sub. And brace your walls. I had some large speakers for 14 years that had a frequency response below 20Hz. I had a test disc with 16 Hz on it and it would shake the walls. The only things I heard in that range were footfalls here and there and thumps- especially live recordings. Realism? Maybe, but it took away from the music, I think. Even after 10 years of no longer having those big speakers, I have a couple of recordings where I brace myself for the thump- like someone bumping the mic stand- and I don't hear it with these speakers. I don't miss it either.