Thiel Customer Service - New ownership is terrible!!! - WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS COMPANY ?

  For the past month I've been trying to contact Thiel to get an R.A. for my tweeter that needs to be rebuilt for my 7.2. THERE IS NOW NO PHONE NUMBER FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AS THERE USE TO BE as recently as last year and the support email address states " we'll reply within 48 hours " is a lie! I've contacted them three times without a single reply. Any ideas or suggestions? Anyone reading this might want to think twice if buying any Thiel used or new products now a days. What a shame.....
Hi Chris,

Very good to hear of this.

Try bringing the speakers out another 2 feet from rear wall (4’ total from wall to front of speakers) such that you and the speakers form an equilateral triangle 8’ on each side. Toe such that the imaginary lines projecting from the tweeters cross three feet behind your listening position.  Even if you think you cannot leave them there permanently, try this to see what is gained.

Absorptive panels at the first reflection points (halfway between the speaker fronts and your listening position) and bass traps will help immensely.


Much Thanks! for the update- aolchris

Good to read that Mr. Gillum was in a position to help you and get your speakers back on track. You own very nice gear-especially the cd and sacd players. I look forward in reading more about your listening thoughts and impressions as it pertains to Thiel speakers.

Happy Listening!


give us an update- are your 7.2 speakers up and running now?

Happy Listening!

Hello Jafant and to all!!!
    I'm sorry for the late reply - my mother broke her leg last month and I have had no time for myself ever since. I'm still a month behind but wanted to quick touch base with Jafant and everyone!
    So my 7.2's are sounding great, thank you for asking, though I still continue on experimenting with placement every now and again. There are times I wish I had them in a smaller, wall to wall carpeted room, as I did with my Thiel 2.3's I had before these and LOVED THEM!!! I was always a " Studio Monitor " type sound guy ( what comes in goes out - nothing added ) and theres something to be said ( or heard... lol ... ) about that environment - especially when comparing it to this new big - room sound I have now. I understand the theory of Big speakers like Big rooms but larger rooms create problems that smaller and deader rooms dont. Someone here mentioned acoustic treatments which I had back in NY - lots of them too. I had them on 1st., 2nd, 3rd., reflection points ( left wall, right wall, ceiling, floor, and on every corner, etc. - even did the mirror thing to make sure I was exact on my treatment placement ) Although sound has always been my first priority, when you live in a big log home that is nearly 100% completely pine EVERYWHERE, I have to give up a little something up for cosmetics....I'm sorry - I said it..... Mind you, I have 7 other stereos, 2 set up at present in smaller wall to wall carpeted rooms where I can still enjoy my monitor or headphone - like sound ( NHT 2.9's and others ). I love my Thiels but as we all know be careful what you feed it - there is little forgiveness with these speakers.
    I love ALL types of music. And I mean all! ( 4000+ CD's ) I do listen to vinyl on occasion but primarily CD and SACD. I know all about quality masters too as I worked in a CD store for 7 years as well as been in many recording studios in my day with artists you probably all know.  From selling speakers for as low as $50 a pair back at J & R Music World back in the day to $80,000 Focals at Audio Breakthrough in Manhasset L.I., well, I know a thing or two. Oh - could I go on....
    I will be temporally swapping my M510 out with a bunch of other amps including a Sony TA-N90ES ( MOS FET - whatever ), Elite M-91, twin Marantz SM-17 configured in MONO ( not sure how do this yet - they have a weird configuration ) and a old time favorite - Yamaha B2x 170wpc rms - labeled Class A ( well, not ) though I could fry an egg on this... literally  - maybe it really is Class A....... I know its wishful thinking and really Japanese wizardry at play here! I will also swap out my pure silver Kimber's with some high quality copper - Straightwire Crescendo II ( an absolute pain to work with ) and even my original MC SIgma's really aren't that bad though hated in the audiophile community. They do have great bass. Maybe this will take some of the brightness away. Big bright all - wood room, big bright amp, bright cables = Really bright system... ) though be it probably somewhat less revealing w/o the silver.
    Ill give you an update in a bit. But again want to give thanks to the Audiogon community
for all your continued help and support!
Thank You for the update- aolchris.
Good to read that your Thiel loudspeakers are singing again.
Those older Sony ES and Pioneer Elite power amps are Audio classics.
You may even find their sound and presentation a pleasant surprise in your system. Keep posting your listening thoughts and impressions.
Happy Listening!