Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 12 responses by schubert

Are real Thiels good on Symphonic Music ? I've played with about other usual suspect in the price range and am certain phase/ time is critical. 
That'a why I use either single-drivers or sloped 1 cap crossovers with transmission lines . Never heard a Thiel !
Thanks Fellas, I'll keep my eyes open for some 2.7, 3.7 . they sometimes show up on craigslist in Twin Cities.
I noticed a lot of you like maggies, As I sit here 5 miles from factory although I loved the 4 prs I had I just had to give up on them as dynamic range was not there for Symphonic . Loud ain't the same thing .
Hey fellas ,
How much of the magic would I lose with 2.3'? I see there is a pr locally .
tomthiel , You must have a wonderful daughter !
I'm a classical man but that piece is the most human clip  I  have ever seen ,.
jafant, Unlike us ,"socialist" Sweden refused to bail out anyone in the 2008 melt-down, not Saab, not Volvo not the biggest bank in Sweden.
No public debt for private losses .
KY sends us our greatest leaders to Congress .Nation could not  live without them .
That is kool tomthiel !White Mountains are almost as pretty as Adirondacts , Winnie isn't in a league with Lake George though .
As I am elderly and live in a condo I had to nix the deal when I found out they
weighed over 100 lbs !
Sounded great though .
Got a pr of 3.6 that look cherry on Cragslist at 1300 $ .Good deal , bad deal ?