I've actually had a pair of 3.5 mids repaired by Rob @ Thiel - my first pair which are now in my nephew's possession. I'd have to scroll back through the 1800 + posts here to verify it, but the rebuild, as opposed to "repair", was $350 apiece all things totaled - shipping back and forth, labor. Not necessarily cheap, but an investment worth the money considering how utterly good the 3.5's were. Are.
Would it it be a disservice to the new owners to pass along a link to this and other Thiel threads here so they may garner some idea of how far off the mark their current and former strategies are? I doubt it. Their intentions were and continue to be guided by marketing, not product. "Hey guys, look at this premium loudspeaker brand that costs a lot! We can do that!"
They've proven from the outset that they cannot do that, nor did they have any intention of respecting Jim Thiel's work. Pretty appalling all around.
In all likelihood my 3.6's will be the last loudspeakers I'll purchase. I continue to cultivate my interest in other brands, listen to them when time permits, but I usually come to the conclusion that, gee, well, they ain't Thiels.
Man, that guy knew his sh*t!
I've actually had a pair of 3.5 mids repaired by Rob @ Thiel - my first pair which are now in my nephew's possession. I'd have to scroll back through the 1800 + posts here to verify it, but the rebuild, as opposed to "repair", was $350 apiece all things totaled - shipping back and forth, labor. Not necessarily cheap, but an investment worth the money considering how utterly good the 3.5's were. Are.
Would it it be a disservice to the new owners to pass along a link to this and other Thiel threads here so they may garner some idea of how far off the mark their current and former strategies are? I doubt it. Their intentions were and continue to be guided by marketing, not product. "Hey guys, look at this premium loudspeaker brand that costs a lot! We can do that!"
They've proven from the outset that they cannot do that, nor did they have any intention of respecting Jim Thiel's work. Pretty appalling all around.
In all likelihood my 3.6's will be the last loudspeakers I'll purchase. I continue to cultivate my interest in other brands, listen to them when time permits, but I usually come to the conclusion that, gee, well, they ain't Thiels.
Man, that guy knew his sh*t!