Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank you Tom for your thoughts.  Your comments that the internal wire is a different animal from the amp-2-speaker one does make me want to revisit just going with SW without auditioning others.  Maybe I should just save up my money and go with Goertz AG3!  Can't argue with the equipment Jim used himself, at least as a starting point.  Do you happen to know why Jim didn't demo the 3.7s with Goertz, but used SW?  Is it because SW just offered to front the equipment and marketing?  Not sure how the industry works...
I have no actual knowledge of Goertz except that Jim used it in the lab as a reference quality cable. The industry works in many ways and each company develops its own value-style. Thiel valued long-term mutually sustaining relationships built on product, company and dealer synergies. In such relationships, the players share feedback and experience for mutual benefit. Thiel and SW worked this way for many decades. So it is no surprise they used each others' products or co-exhibited at shows.

I can't make product recommendations, because my personal experience is thin and very dated.

Fortunately I don't burn much brain-fuel over the wires in my speaker (or otherwise).   Whatever Thiel chose, it met the values and specs they were going for, and the results are speakers that are still highly competitive with anything today, whatever wiring those other speakers may be using.

For me I've got enough in this hobby to obsess about, without throwing concerns about high end wires/cables in to the fray.  I'm as prone to thoughts of upgraditis as anyone else.  Having recently acquired a high end turntable, now I have to think about things like VTA, VTF etc - I've gotta draw the line somewhere and my skepticism about the high end cable/wires industry makes dropping concerns for expensive cabling an easy move for me.

Much Thanks! tomthiel
I certainly would not say your experience is thin nor dated. There is knowledge on board. Perhaps a little dusting of the mind's attic is in order?Reminds me of The Grateful Dead tune, "Attics of my Life".Happy Listening!