Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Just purchased a pair of cs 7s today from Andy at Saturday  audio exchange bringing  them home tomorrow!! Traded in my beloved 3.6s that I had for 27 yrs  can't wait to get some listening time 

Glad to read below that your recent re-visit to my favorite Thiel model - the CS3.5 - has been included in your upgrade paths. For me this model is the no compromise model within those I have enjoyed thus far. 

I always employed the bass EQ @ the 20hz setting. I am not a very technically oriented fellow to dare replacing internal organs and whatnot. The first pair of 3.5’s I had suffered a punctured midrange when I attempted to see why one was intermittent. Thanks to Rob for repairing it. 

The “compromise” I encountered with the CS3.6 was that I had to play the music louder than I normally do. When driven a little more than my preferred level they were excellent, pure “Thiel.”  At lower volume level they weren’t as resolving. 

With the CS2.4 I find the soundstage to be very narrow. Again, when I play them a little above my normal level this opens up. The bass reproduction is particularly notable. The “other room” test confirms that. 

All of this falls under the IMHO submission. For me, the 3.5’s perform superbly at all listening levels. Yes, there are times when I am inspired by a piece of music and up the volume, but most of my listening is done at very conservative levels. It was the 3.5 model that literally stopped me in my tracks because of their articulate reproduction at a low volume level. 

The compromises I mention are small. I could live, and have lived with various perceived shortcomings before - on every piece of equipment I’ve owned. To find one’s optimum setup requires time, money, and opportunity. I am happy with my CS2.4’s currently, but I’d sell them in a heartbeat to get a pair of 3.5’s again. 

I’ll be following your progress. 

Thiels rule!


Good to see you here as always. Hope that your are well and bunkered down for the cold draft this weekend (it even makes way to the deep South). I can attest to the notable Bass reproduction from CS 2.4 loudspeakers, rich and textured in presentation.

Happy Listening!


Thank You for the update from HotRod garage.  Our 3.5 owners will be very pleased with any upgrades. Stay warm out there.

Happy Listening!