Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Sir , you are going way beyond anything I would have imagined ,
I never expected to have created this much curiosity ,
let alone you taking time to actually set up tests that can be measured .

Straight wire's original configuration balances the yin and yan
( just as every manufacture tries to with their different designs )
within one cable as you measured in configuration A
and when they are used in your C configuration
maybe that balance is lost ? 
Maybe a similar measurement might happen if you taped the 2 cables together in configuration A ?

While I'm retired from over 30 years in repairing medical equipment 
where a resistor is just a resistor and a capacitor is just a capacitor 
this " Audiophile " world has a lot of VooDoo magic ,
I'm having more fun than I imagined or can measure , ha ha .

Hope that you are well this Spring. Good to see you here, as always.
Happy Listening!
Rob - I am a sucker for tracking down stuff I don't understand. I think I will try taping A and A to see what happens. My interest stems from the tendency to replace a wire with a better wire and like it better. Often throwing money at a problem makes it better, even if just in our own minds. I do know that Jim took internal wiring very seriously and tweaked it for years. I don't want to blunder into undoing any of his work by substituting a different solution. On the other side of that coin, I think it highly likely that Beetle, you and others have bettered the outcome. I must quantify such betterments, assess potential pitfalls and decide how to proceed. The puzzle is eternal.

I've been pseudo-quarantined since last June, only foraying out to go for medical appointments.
With only one good eye, there's no depth perception, and a serious fall last year destroyed the vestibular balance.  No depth perception plus no balance equals an accident waiting to happen. 

I get groceries delivered to the home, and my Health Care woman stores them away and helps me do the cooking. 

My 27" iMac is my window on the world. 

But thankfully, it could have been a heck of a lot worse.

One good thing about staying home/indoors- more time to enjoy the Music!
Happy Listening!