Jhouse - your speakers certainly do look altered, that's not a Thiel factory finish. The veneer looks to be Mahogany, which has a natural color in the salmon spectrum, which is generally stained some shade of red-brown. It looks like yours have been stripped, leaving some color in the scratches and pores. They could be refinished professionally or DIY with readily available finishing materials.
Thiel used very little Mahogany due to a combination of low demand and high hassle factor. There are many types of figure, grain, color and embedded expectations regarding Mahogany. Mahogany with its terminology and nuances is well understood in the world of fine furniture, but practically invisible in the world of audio. We would have needed an education and interface department to promote Mahogany, and chose instead to just offer it as an option on demand. Hard to guess why your cabinets got stripped.