No capacitance, resistance, or inductance values were changed intentionally although my LCR meter measured some small deviations from the target values. That said, OEM caps were mostly 100V whereas the new caps range 160-630V. OEM resistors were 10W, Mills are 12W. I think one, if not both, foil coils in the feed positions were rated different AWG than OEM air cores. And the FST hookup wire appeared to be 18 gauge throughout whereas the Cardas replacements were various combinations of 18 and 15 gauge depending on in/out and coax/woofer.
Tom Thiel cautioned me to check total resistance of the boards. I did not do this before replacing the sandcast resistors but one copy of the layout I have indicates total resistance of the 2.4 coax filter should be, IIRC, 31.6 Ohms and the woofer filter is nearly a flow through. My LCR meter measured resistance, of the final boards, within 0.1 Ohms of those values.