Maybe a bit off topic. Anybody here make their own cables?.
I was planning on maybe using a foil coil from Mundorf for making a copy of the alpha core Goertz mi3..
pieper1973 I am using speaker cables I made for the negative and both ends of a pre-made for the positive . I used Cardas chassis wire to made the cables for both the pos and neg , while at first I like the extra slam they gave me over time I realized that they were harsh or grainy on the upper end so I repurposed them to be used on the negative side . The sound is fantastic compared to just the Cardas Neutral Reference alone . You can check out an image , use Thiel as the tag and my system is about the last one .
@vair68robert at the moment I have a silver line cable from Oehlbach. I also have a no name cable which I had made for connecting my mono blocks to the Thiels.. I still have that cable. Might give it a try..
@theaudiotweak I PM-ed you.. |