Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

You are correct - I didn't cross-check my rusty memory. The CS3.5 bass in its enclosure is 'critically damped' Q.5 for no bass hump, which some critics consider 'dry' or over-damped.

Also my apologies for my final statement of 'excellent in every way'. I meant that the bass configuration was optimized for performance in the phase, time and frequency domains. In particular the EQ'd sealed bass keeps the fundamentals in time with the upper harmonics, whereas reflex bass places the (reflex-supported) fundamentals a full cycle behind the rest of the signal. Lots of controversy around whether such bass coherence can be heard or matters. I'm among those who say it does 'to me'.

^I too have often (perhaps too often) gone on record record here on my strong preference for sealed boxes, not only for bass output, but for overall coherence as well.

Signal cables do make a huge difference from one brand to another with Thiel speakers at least in my experience with my 3.7s.

I have gone from Gryphon VIP IC and SC to Cardas Clear Beyond IC and SC.

The difference is night and day, Clear Beyond cables are in a league of it's own.

The synergy with my 3.7s is mind blowing, never heard such level of weight and clarity in the bass region before.

Musicality is second to none, same with depth, soundstage, air, texture and so on.

Best cables i've ever heard to date by a wide margin and i can even say best component upgrade i've ever done in my life.


I killed my amp yesterday😭😭

It is actually my own fault. I readjusted my room and put the amp underneath something else. This may have seriously impeded airflow, the unit was red hot when it failed.. 

So now I have to listen to music on my phone through a desktop speaker system.. at least it's something.. 

Happy listening y'all 😉



Good to read that the newer Cardas offerings are a sonic match for CS 3.7 loudspeakers. I am on-the-record reporting that Cables do make a difference.


Happy Listening!