Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



You never cease to amaze me. Thank you for the history lesson on CJ. Their offerings are very fine in the RCA input/output tradition.  I have never been disappointed in any demo.  I can attest to the entry level models and top of the line models equally. Further, the CAV 45 is a very sweet integrated amp. While not the last word in a Powerhouse, it is musical and simple as hell.


Glad you are having fun with revamping the 3.5 Eq and speaker. Many will benefit when the upgrade is released.  Same for fans and owners of the 2.2 and 2.4 models. Good fortune are entow. And yes, the 2.4 is plentiful in the secondary market place. Quick decision and timing are important in landing a pair.


Happy Listening!

@tomthiel, wouldn’t separate power supplies for each balanced 3.5 eq be advantageous?



I am already excited about your next home, room and stereo system. Although I am certain that every detail is mapped out. It is good to have you back here on the thread.


Happy Listening!

Yes, separate power supplies would be better. In all design undertakings a significant piece of the art is cost-effectiveness. Bill and I discussed various solutions and agreed that a more robust supply with various isolation techniques increases the advantages to both channels more so than the isolation effects of two separate supplies per se. Of course, that's considering cost. Since the supply will be separate, two could be purchased and assigned to separate channels. One of these days you could report on the relative value of such a choice.

More generally, my goal is to find the next plateau on the value curve, optimized at  higher level(s) of performance that stock Thiel. Those levels / plateaus will settle over time. I already know that Jim Williams' first level upgrade, coupled with simply moving the stock crossover from behind the woofer to the cabinet bottom - are transformative. That will not be a product. The first product will use the same Vifa woofer and its alignment, but a different (post 3.6) midrange and tweeter with better XO components.



Are you still considering a 2-way Monitor under the Thiel Renaissance moniker?

I know that we had a prior discussion last year. No doubt that any new Product post 3.6 will be welcomed with enthusiasm and open ears.


Happy Listening!