Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Anthony - please keep lurking. Sorry the going has been so slow. We're close to an upgraded equalizer and working in other areas. First we need a tweeter based on the UltraTweeter used in the CS5,3.6, and 2.2, now obsolete and unsupportable. Next we need a midrange built on the CS3.6 dual-cone. Upgraded XO is taking shape with considerable research on this and other products. Currently using the SCS4 as my workhorse. It will be worth the wait.


Open question to the group, tomthiel and duramax who I believe have been working on a 2.4 crossover design.  Tom, you mentioned point-to-point wiring is suboptimal and looking at a new layout scheme with edge mounting (comment link).  I have been toying with the idea of purchasing a laser engraver for the purpose of creating PCBs and other items to work on with the kid this summer.  In general for all these crossover projects, is Masonite, PCB or another material preferred?  Was edge mounting due to some limitation or was more optimal?

anzen - it’s a complex, multi-dimensional puzzle. In terms of pure signal propagation, PCBs outdo most PtoP layouts, especially if one-sided. PCBs shorter leads create smaller antenna effects. A new insight (to me) is how signal chaos is created when P to P has inputs and outputs entering the same solder-lug from the same direction. Two-sided layouts allow that distortion mechanism to be eliminated - with care and extra hassle. A requirement in this Renaissance project is the variety of quality levels supported in the same package. I want my layouts to accommodate various sizes of components. And on and on.

Placing the boards vertically facilitates thermal management via convection air over all component surfaces. Heat dissipation is a big deal for circuit stability under load. Edge mounting is more difficult and more optimal - but worth the effort since I’m aiming for a higher performance plateau(s) than original Thiel products. I’m pleasantly surprised how much room for improvement exists in the same platform with the same drivers, circuitry and cabinet.

Best material for XO panel is Panzerholz, German compressed and heat treated wood product that is extremely strong and internally very well damped - and very expensive. Next best is 1/4" masonite which comes pretty close at 5% cost. Outboarding significantly reduces need for vibration control. For inboard panels I’m suspending the panel in rubber grommets to decouple from cabinet panel resonance modes. Again, I’m pleasantly surprised how these various aspects accumulate into cleaner performance.

To answer more directly: I will be using wood-based point-to-point panels exclusively for their strength, superior electro-magnetic performance and layout flexibility.



Thank You for your Dedication and Passion for Thiel Renaissance project. Upon release, the Audiophile community and press will take notice.


Happy Listening!