theaudiotweak - Tom, I don't remember ever studying port position. When we were developing our knowledge base, the opinions, even among the academic / gurus was wide and varied and often contradictory. We found that ports placed near boundaries, such as a baffle corner, exhibited more turbulence evidenced by misbehavior in its upper rollout. Best results were with the port placed as close as practical to the woofer, with no insulation between them. The biggest deal turned out to me the port terminations. Roundover entry and exit works well. Take a look at the SCS4 and its graphed performance. Two ports reduce flow to half. The external opening is a tractrix horn and the internal tube gains diameter going toward its inside terminus. I've never seen a quieter port.
Rob says that geometry was Jim's original work.
My work with Doug has further reduced turbulence by addressing surface propagation boundary effects. The improvements are significant.