Hello to everybody, is the first time I'm writing here. First of all thanks for this great thread and for all the valuable informations that cannot be found everywhere else. I live in Italy, I'm the happy owner of a CS3.5 system with Electrocompaniet amplification, and I have few questions.
Few years ago I noticed some heavy distorsions from one speaker. I opened it and found a blown 1uF capacitor. I replaced it on both speakers and everything was back to normal. But looking on the net I found a discussion from somebody with the same problem who also published a picture of his crossover, and discovered that where he's got a 8uF cap I got a 6,2uF. So I' m wondering if my crossover is complaying to the original spec or it has been modified.
Moreover I would like to ask to Mr Thiel, if on his projects, he is thinking of a replacement for the midrange speaker. Mine are ok at the moment but one has been repaired at the cone tinsel lead, and if in case of need could I use the scanspeak 10F8424 as is suggested somewhere on the net ? By the way, somebody here has done it and is happy with that ?
Thanks everybody and excuse me if any mistake,