Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Hello to everybody, is the first time I'm writing here. First of all thanks for this great thread and for all the valuable informations that cannot be found everywhere else. I live in Italy, I'm the happy owner of a CS3.5 system with Electrocompaniet amplification, and I have few questions.

Few years ago I noticed some heavy distorsions from one speaker. I opened it and found a blown 1uF capacitor. I replaced it on both speakers and everything was back to normal. But looking on the net I found a discussion from somebody with the same problem who also published a picture of his crossover, and discovered that where he's got a 8uF cap I got a 6,2uF. So I' m wondering if my crossover is complaying to the original spec or it has been modified.

Moreover I would like to ask to Mr Thiel, if on his projects, he is thinking of a replacement for the midrange speaker. Mine are ok at the moment  but one has been repaired at the cone tinsel lead, and if in case of need could I use the scanspeak 10F8424 as is suggested somewhere on the net ?  By the way, somebody here has done  it and is happy with that ?

Thanks everybody and excuse me if any mistake,


Massimo - The early 3.5 tweeter feed used a 6.5uF feed cap. It was tweaked in 1987 to 8uF, which is what you want. Only buy now if you need it. I will have a much better replacement soon.

The 3.5 mid and tweeter are front-burner projects. We are incorporating late-stage design elements into the 3.6 midrange platform - dual cone, advanced motor, to fit the CS3, 3.5 and 3.6. The 3.5 tweeter is obsolete and our replacement will also incorporate late-stage advancements to fit the CS2, 2.2, 3, 3.5, 3.6 and 5. Completion of midranges and tweeters is necessary to re-work the crossovers between them. For now, get your advice from Coherent Source Service.

The ScanSpeak 10F8424 is not robust enough; it will burn out. SS’s recommendation for drop-in is 12W/8524G00. CSS may have that driver or another of their choice.




@tomthiel - Very exciting news!

Have a pair of CS3’s in need of tweeters and midranges. Look forward to applying your replacements and other improvements you have been working on!

Like many others on this forum big fan of Thiel’s and own many pairs and want more :). 

Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge to us all here!