Thiel SCS3

After auditioning a pair of Thiel CS 1.6's at home in my system, I've decided to sell my B&W Nautilus 804's and the HTM2 center. I love the B&Ws, but I have a relatively small listening area and I found that the Thiel's opened up at a much lower volume, making them a better match for my space. I haven't heard the SCS3, but I am a little shocked at its price. A pair of Thiel CS 1.6s will cost me what I consider a reasonable $2100, but a single coax design SCS3 is $1400. Thiel also promotes the SCS3 as a surround. Their pricing would make your surrounds more expensive than your fronts. It just doesn't make sense to me. My local dealer said alot of his Thiel sales go south because of this. Maybe the SCS3 is a wonderful center and worth the price, but I'm still a little confused. I'd love to hear from Thiel owners that use the SCS3 as a center, or better yet, possibly use a non Thiel that matches up well with the CS 1.6s. As another alternative, I'm also in the market for a used SCS3 if anyones selling one. Regards Herb
Thanks Mezmo, is that your real name, if so, great name. I agree with you entirely. I'm very unpicky in regards to HT. My main concern is great stereo. That being said, I have a feeling that I'll also bite the same bullit you bit and buy the SCS3, if I buy the Thiels. When I demoed the CS 1.6s in my system the 1.6s were playing at a comfortable level before the B&W HTM2 center even made a sound. That's the main reason the 1.6s are still at the top of my list. Today I went and listened to a pair of Spendor S5e's and ProAc studio 130's. I was very impressed with both. The dealer had them set up with tube amps so I can't really translate the experience to my system I gave the edge to the ProAcs but have a feeling the Spendors would be a better match for my system and listening area. I'm a dealers nightmare, "can we move these speakers into this room?" I also want to take everything home for the ultimate test with my room and equipment. Regards Herb
I have the 1.6's and use the SCS3 as my center channel speaker. I bought the lot here on Audiogon. They are an excellent trio, but at used prices only. Especially the SCS3. It's retail price is absurd. While I've found it important to match the three front speakers, for the surrounds you can go with something different. I use M&K and they work fine. So, find yourself a used SCS3 and have your dealer help find you find some less expensive speakers to use as your surrounds.
I've got the same as Egrady....until we get to comparing wallets.

(Bought all three from a dealer.)

Have to admit that the SCS3 is an amazing center. Even gives local news anchors an amazing quality.

My room is tiny so I stuck some Gallo a'Diva sphere's up for surrounds...they're not too bad. (for the size and $$)

Don't forget about the PowerPoints -- they'll match your 1.6's and are easier to find used or demo.

Wait for one to come available used - I replaced my LCR-15 with the SCS-3 (see my system) and was very pleased -It really helps round-out the front three...I enjoy listening to music more on surround sound settings (on the ead pro.) vs 2 channel - It does make a huge difference
I use a SCS3 with my CS6s and Powerplane surrounds. For home theater, more info comes from the center than any other channel so you may want to consider having the "matching" center at least. I agree that matching surrounds is overkill for most systems as long as the surrounds are decent. I will upgrade to the larger Thiel center at some point as I feel it would blend with my bigger Thiels better.