Think Its Possible To Order Tubes From the Ukraine?

Having a set of tube amps being shipped to me this week. Its a pair of Audio Mirror Reflections monoblocks that use the 6C33C tubes. The amps come with one set of outputs and a pair of spares. I was thinking of ordering a backup set of tubes. After looking at the tube sites, the majority of them are Russian sellers, and that is not going to work due to current events. However, there are sellers from the Ukraine of this tube. Do you think a person can order from them and have a good chance of receiving their package?


@nonoise and shrinking fast. Largest population of Homeless, Highest Crime Rates, Yep it is a great 3rd world crap hole.

Yes, there's lots of homeless people who come from other parts of the country for the weather and looking for a handout. Too bad the states where they came from harassed them and/or made it illegal to be homeless. 

You see, we happen to be more humane, to a fault, which is our downfall, but unlike the red states, we're working on it. We don't punish the homeless. I hate seeing it as well but I'm not going to shoot them or set them on fire, like some do in other states.

As for heading in the direction of a 3rd world country, that applies to all of America, as long as inequality is allowed to grow and unregulated capitalism is favored by the aristocrats, who'd love to turn this place into Russia Lite: less democracy, more corruption. 

All the best,

@dekay  that's my point. Why on earth pay these prices when they won't last. Prices will come vack to earth long before op needs to buy. I worry that the forest may disappear among the trees.