Just for giggles I did a comparison tonight in my main rig with my Pioneer DVD player.
Played a known good quality CD and switching back and forth between its rca outs direct into my Ayre and it's spdif which goes into a Mytek Brooklyn DAC and then into the Ayre.
It was not even a contest as well it should not be as we are talking 90,s tech internal dac in the pioneer vs 2017 tech DAC.
I only keep the RCA outputs hooked up to play the few SACD I own!
Just for giggles I did a comparison tonight in my main rig with my Pioneer DVD player.
Played a known good quality CD and switching back and forth between its rca outs direct into my Ayre and it's spdif which goes into a Mytek Brooklyn DAC and then into the Ayre.
It was not even a contest as well it should not be as we are talking 90,s tech internal dac in the pioneer vs 2017 tech DAC.
I only keep the RCA outputs hooked up to play the few SACD I own!