Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player

My current CD player is a basic, older Sony, probably 10-12 years old. Works fine but I could use it in another location with a lower end system. It seems to sound about as good as my Arcam CD92 that lost its DAC a while back.

So now thinking about buying a new CDP and have a couple of questions.

I’d like to keep this in the $300-500 range for units with internal DAC. Not looking for SACD player. Other than a remote, not looking for special features or multi disk players.

I’m guessing that in this price range SQ is probably comparable to other units in that range.

First, is a CDP in this price range going to sound any better than the old Sony?
Second, if not, is there any reason not to just buy a comparable $200 unit?
Third, for units in this price range ($300-500) is there any reason to look for one with balanced output capability and if so, is there any way to know if it is truly balanced.

Thanks all,


I am quite sure there is but....
If I remove the RCA from the Pioneer to the Ayre I will free up a set of inputs on the amp.
Then I will just have to find something to fill the gap like a tuner or R2R.

So I am quite happy to keep the status quo.

Nice shoot out between the Ayre and Pioneer. Along the way and over the years Sony (ES) / Pioneer (Elite) built a few sleeper spinners that are still excellent in 2018.  Happy Listening!


I bought Luxman D-05U. I still buy CDs and do not download from websites (I did one album just to check how it goes) but put them on a server so I have almost no use for CD part of my new player. At the same time as buying a player, I ripped all my SACDs, and a few DVD-As that I have (along with transferring some records), so I have almost no use for SACD part of my new player either. I tried 4-5 discs so far. It ends up serving as a DAC, once I stretch my arm to turn it on which is not that often (the on/off is on the back). I just like to have a functioning machine in a dinosaur approach "just in case everything else fails". I picked this particular one because it can be operated by my amplifier's remote control, if the need be, and I like the way it looks. I know, I have a very non-audiophile approach and do not obsess with minutia of sound improvement but it is what it is. Nobody can say I did not match my components carefully. It is just that I did not match them the way it is usually thought of. On the other hand, it all works fine and I have no complaint about the sound.