Im using a B&K Ref.50 pre.
I record via the Tape monitor channels
I have a DBX-4bx in the tape loop too.
The DBX is a key product. ( $300 used )
The tape outputs connected to an Aardvark Q-10, 24/96 computer audio card ( you could use the Directpro series too. This stuff is cheap on ebay but you need an ISA slot in the PC. Im using a 2.66ghz CPU with one 2Gig sim. Xp pro.
( $225 used )
Cakewalk software via ASIO input drivers and the results are very good when I burn the mix on CD. ( $400 )
Dbx hardware expands the output, the Aardvark hardware give a clean input to the software and Cakewalk give you the ability to clean up any unwanted noise.
TurnTable combination. ( my no means is this the best, its just a thrifty solution )
Kenwood C2 pre-amp, via Denon Table using a Micro Acoustic 2002 Moving Coil Cartridge. ( $300 )