thinking of switching from conrad johnson......

trying to decide between pass x250.8 or plinius sb 30, was looking at the cj premier 350 or the McCormack dna 500, but these amps are getting a little long in the tooth.  any suggestion and your experience with these two amps would help.  and what pre amp would work best with them.  since not many preamp companies are left.  and any feedback from whilecamaross is very much welcomed......thanks in advance.
sistemf1   did just that, went for the mccormack dna 500, and was able to get a conrad johnson ETse, in heaven now......
just a follow up, went in for new power cords, new cables, and a power condt, but kept it conrad johnson.

HI kennesawjet

I had and enjoyed the Plinius sb301 and thought it was a pretty good amp. I believe it’s strength was in the bass. I had it on a pair of Magnepan 3.7i’s and it really woke up the Maggie’s in the bass.

When it comes to Pass Labs amps, in my opinion, these are some of the best solid state amps out there. For me, their magic is in their class a designs. There are a lot of audiophiles out there that think that they have to get the big watt models so they go for the Pass a/b designs. Don’t get me wrong, these are still great sounding amps. When I heard the Pass class a amps, I realized that those were amazing. Personally, I would buy their 30 watt per channel class a amp over their 300 watt per channel class a/b amp. People underestimate their drive capabilities and think that they have to get the 300 watt amp to drive a difficult speaker load or it won’t sound good. In my experience, that little 30 watt Pass stereo amp has incredible current output. I’ll give you an example. I had the Maggie 3.7i’s with a pair of their Dwm woofers wired in parallel connected to that xa30.8 and it laughed at that load. Not only did it drive that system with ease but it always remained extremely musical, that is a constant 2 ohm load! Most amps would have shut off with a load like that not to mention sound like crap.  That setup sounded wonderful! Go for the Pass Labs class a amp(s), that’s we’re their magic is. Good luck.


I run a McCormack DNA 500 which was the only amp that did not weigh more than 100 pounds and could handle my Thiel CS5 speakers dipping  to 2 ohms in the bass. Also run it with 8 ohm 88 dbl speakers and no problems there either. 

Having said that, i am thinking about a small Pass Labs amp for the 8 ohm speakers just to see how it might sound....Maybe an XA30...

Not sure what you mean by long in the tooth if it sounds good and still is repairable if it comes to that.

Using the DNA 500 with Primaluna Dialogue Premium  and Conrad Johnson 17LS2 preamps. Different flavors, but the CJ sometimes makes me think it has a problem with the low DNA 500 input impedance of 10K ohms.

My local dealer allowed me to in-house audition various 300 wpc amps from Pass. Krell, Mark Levinson, and Classe and i honestly liked the McCormack just fine. Classe was too soft and Krell  and ML seemed too shouty to me. The Pass was nice, a bit better silence around the notes, but the weight, ugh!

Thanks for listening,

scot....was thinking of pass as well.  but kept tinkering with the mccormack and finally things worked out.  

dsper.....i found that everything didnt sound right with the mccormack.  maybe thats why there was a rash of them being sold at one point.  i tried it with my refitted pv 12 and the results was fantastic.  put eventually went back to the et3se and just redid almost everything....