Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


I miss all people with whom i interacted to here to some variable degree for sure different  for each one..,. Some characters always seems more easy to love than others for each of us...

Any human being though is a piece in the puzzle of life...

Those who are too obsessed to listen to others i simply dont read their posts... No names is needed...

I am perhaps a bit obsessed too but i hope that i have proven to others i can listen too out of my own obsessions...




I really appreciate the honest feedback. I do my best to learn from everyone here because my knowledge and experience is very limited. While I have been buying music for decades, I've only just gotten into this hobby. I just filter out the comments where someone states their method for reproduction is the best or the only way. 

very good advice and on-target observations from @whart, valuable to noobs here

my first career for twenty some years was in the business of giving professional advice (not on hifi)

there is effort, knowhow and experience involved in how to successfully gather and receive good advice - advice seekers who are naive and lazy often get bad advice...


there are some people here that really know their sh**, from the fundamentals to the finer points of design, and are able to provide expert advice without tooting their own horn too much. Stick around and it will become apparent who they are. It’s important that their incredible repository of knowledge is passed on before it disappears into the ether..

“ MC has been a sort of consigliere for me. Let me tell you what I bought with MC's advice and recommendations: A lot/most of Townshend Audio Seismics and cables. And their preamp.“


Shilling mission accomplished then ! Did he mention to you that he was on Townshend Audio’s payroll at the time ? No of course he didn’t