Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?



"Did he mention to you that he was on Townshend Audio’s payroll at the time ? No of course he didn’t".

Yes, he did. I know all about his connection to Townshend. And I bought directly from Townshend. Don’t you feel silly now?

But that had nothing to do with my purchases. I was looking to upgrade my system’s loom, put in springs and get a separate preamp for 2 channel(as I was using a HT processor pre for 2 channel) and I read all the reviews I could find of all Townshend products including the Allegri Reference, F-1 Fractal cables, speaker podiums, t.t. platforms and pods. And the reverence for Max Townshend(RIP) and his technologies was a factor as well.

The F-1 Fractal speaker cables and interconnect sound fantastic. Quite the upgrade.

Someone I know bought the speaker podiums and told me the difference was huge and the most incredible change to his system he experienced, and brought his system up to "high end".. And this guy knows his sonics.

So, all is good with my system.

I've been a long-time reader but don't post that much here. So I'm more familiar with the poster personalities than my number of posts might imply.

Let's acknowledge that people have good points and faults, all of them.  It's not a black and white situation - there is lots of gray.

My $.02 (which I think should be rounded up to $.10) is that MC is knowledgeable and believes himself to be a warm and giving person but he has seriously crossed the line into vitriol on a number of occasions.  He is both.

I have read some of his posts and gotten so angry I wanted to just flame him out, but then he'll reference my favorite comedy skit and invite strangers over to his house.  Quite the duality.

I'd like to see everyone...MC included but to avoid ad hominem attacks as part of debates about audio.  It's silly how contentious these threads get.  I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself.  This is a good time for us all to remind ourselves that we are here to collect information and be entertained...we are not here to debate who gets thrown off the life raft. 


” Yes, he did. I know all about his connection to Townshend. And I bought directly from Townshend. Don't you feel silly now? “

Not in the slightest, the fact that one individual knew that he was shilling for Townsend does not discount the several other members here who were subject to his incessant campaign to promote Townsend products who were not made aware by Chucky that he was on TA’s payroll at that time.

Perhaps you might have shared these intelligences with the forum instead of choosing to allow Chucky to deceive the forum as to his motive.

Dont you feel duplicitous now ?


Duplicitous? I was just researching and buying equipment. Townshend products stand on their own merits. I've owned Townshend Seismic Sinks for 12+ years so I know about Townshend. And my dealer at the time swears by Townshend. 

Whether or not MC was on Townshend’s payroll or was going to be a dealer rep or whatever, shouldn’t any person considering upgrading any part of their system do due diligence and research? I know that I did. Maybe MC aligned with Townshend in good part that he believes in Townshend products. I don’t think money was MC’s driving factor but I can’t get into his head.

And I am very comfortable in saying that I believe that every Townshend product sold is a great piece of gear.

I think your time might be better spent researching Townshend products yourself. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a (small?)change of heart.