jjss49 +1 great idea. It's far to easy to point out the sins of others than to clean up and improve ourselves. Example after example right here on this thread.
Some try to lead, some have to follow and there are quite a few here on AG that do neither.
AG has a LOT of watching members that post only so often. I find it nice to see all the members come out to play as of late. My only recommendation is to NOT be intimidated by anyone. I'm sure not.
A respectful approach by ME is all I offer. The rest is up to the individual. When I started posting under oldhvymec 10 years after diepiolet, MC was posting. I had just retired and was blown away by the 6-10 people that filled the threads.
Normally I just return the unwanted portion of the message about ME I don't care for.. Unfortunately sometimes I give back in greater measure than the portion I chose to return. After all I'm only a human, or am I? :-)🛸