This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.

I am buying Dynaudio C-1 Platinums and would like an ideal amp. Which would you choose? I prefer solid state. Separates or integrated. If you could recommend a few optimum choices that would be great. Based on my short couple years on here you strike me as very knowledgable on the subject. My dealer wants me on Pass Labs. Incidentally right now I have the Devialet 400 and I’m pretty sure you are not a fan of this type of amp. Any of your wisdom is appreciated. Thanks, Mike

I think power cords are useful in that they do supply current from the wall to the gear (and my toaster, etc.), and any positive comments about gear from salesmen who carry the gear they comment about chews the fun out of the gum of any forum discussion.
I assume we are talking about MOSFET transistors on the output stage? Nothing new. Ideal for delivering extremely high current. Extremely high breakdown voltage. Low switching distortion and fail in a nice way (open circuit) which prevents too much collateral damage. Hafler started using these in the 80’s. 
I assume we are talking about MOSFET transistors on the output stage? Nothing new. Ideal for delivering extremely high current.

Bi-Polars (BJT's) are even better for giving current into low impedance's.

Cheers George
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